June 6, 2009

  • Water Bottles Everywhere

    It's really nice that my parents only live less than 10 minutes away from where I work.  It's almost the end of the school year--2 weeks left.  I am left exhausted after work, so I crash out on my mom's sofa before commuting back to my house. 

    Thankfully, no morning sickness (yet)!  I really eat slow now, instead of scarfing down my meal in less than 10 minutes.  I've been eating a big breakfast and then have healthy snacks throughout the day.  By dinner time I have no appetite left, so my husband knows the routine.  He fixes his own dinner while I lay down on the couch and put my feet up. 

    Funny how everwhere I go I have a half-full bottle of water.  My husband says I'm worse than that kid from the movie Signs, if there ever was an alien invasion to happen here on Earth--I'm well prepared.  I leave half-drank water bottles in my car, in my classroom, at the kitchen, in our office, in the bedroom and one in my purse!  Drinking more water has been a pain because my natural inclination is to drink iced tea, soda, juice and Gatorade.  I don't really like to drink plain water, but I have to make sure that I drink at least 3 bottles before the end of the work day.  To tell you the truth I have no idea how well I'm doing in meeting my own personal quota.  I have to "trick" myself to do it by popping in an Icebreaker sour in my mouth while I drink the bottle.  Cutting a lemon wedge or dicing cucumbers and dropping it into the bottle doesn't do it for me anymore.  What other tricks are there to get more into the system H2O?

    Earlier this week my mom offered to grocery shop at Costco for me this week.  That's really nice, since it's like a 3 ring circus at Costco during the weekends.  It saved me from suffering through the crowded parking lots and long lines.  Have you ever noticed that whenever you go to Costco, you can easily spend $200 if you don't watch what you pile into your cart? 

    Although some folks are beginning to catch on about my pregnancy and my family has known, we still haven't told my in-laws that I'm pregnant.  We're going to wait until after our 1st doctor's appointment.  I'm sure my MIL has lots of questions to ask us, since she's really inquisitive. 


Comments (2)

  • Congrats tlga Liz and just like you, I have to find ways to drink water. I kinda gave up on it and just decided that I should just remain hydrated and drink fluids.

  • use tea bags...and find the kind that's similar to the iced tea that you like, so it's not so boring. that's all the ideas i can think of since you've already been doing the lemon/cucumber things which are good. i have no problem drinking plain water and can drink around two gallons a day during the summer (one gallon a day during the winter) and this is not an exaggeration.

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